Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 2 (and 3)

 7/365  Second day off of school due to the freezing weather calls for a dance party. And a pouting sister, apparently.

 8/365  Last day as a seven year old

 9/365  Happy 8th Birthday, Charles Josef!

10/365  Friday morning, with an extra dose of sass.

11/365  Date night

12/365 The girl has no fear.

13/365  Future scientist at work:)

 14/365  We have blue jays and cardinals all. the. time. Do you think I could catch a picture of them?!? 

15/365  More snow. More puppy paw prints.

16/365  What? You don't wear Halloween socks to dance class in the middle of January?

17/365  Poor CeCe. I do love that girl in her brother's old pajamas, though.

18/365 We haven't made pasta in a long time. I am not even sure we made any last winter. Yikes! Since both kids wanted to help and gobbled up dinner, it's clear we need to make homemade noodles more often!

19/365  He really is such a good brother. Abbie started running a fever (again) after church. Medicine was followed up by a tea party and Charlie joined in to make her feel better. Love that boy.

20/365  I'm home with Abbie today. Thank goodness her fever broke and we both will be going back to school tomorrow. I'm not sure CeCe likes us being home during the week:)

Linking up with Stephanie this week!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Catch the Moment 365

A new year, a new start. It's been a while since I've posted on the little blog. Ahem, a bit of an understatement, no?. Lately I have missed documenting life's beautiful happenings in our little world and was so glad when I saw this on Sarah's Instagram feed. I knew immediately that this would be the perfect way for me to start playing with the camera again and capture all those perfect little life moments that I want to remember. This year one of my goals, besides taking a picture everyday with the DSLR, is to get better at editing. However, I don't want to get too overwhelmed and quit in the first few weeks! So for now, my daily pics will be straight from the camera until I get into a new blogging groove!

1/365  We were taking down the Christmas tree decorations and Charlie was sure to be careful with the ones's mom had given me. He made sure to let his sister know which ones are from Grandma Sue!

2/365 Sigh. Only day 2 and I realized that I have way more to figure out on this camera than I thought! I was getting pretty frustrated and then CeCe girl came and sat next to me. She can cheer you up pretty quickly!

3/365 Fridays are for twirling. Because she doesn't have school on Fridays. And Daddy was staying home with her that day. 

4/365 A few extra snuggles on the couch before we headed out to play in the snow. We spent a good chunk of time sledding at the high school since we knew the Great Freeze of 2014 would hit soon! Really just want to be in North Carolina right now. Not Wisconsin.

5/365 Day One of the Great Freeze. Perler beads for hours.

6/365 Day Two of the Great Freeze. I can't really complain because schools were closed so all three of us got to stay home together. I didn't have to get up crazy early either to do yoga, but I did have company on the mat!

I am really hoping that this project will help me take time and focus on all the small moments that make me smile (or laugh or cry...) during the day. Especially since going back to work last fall, I don't think I have been doing a very good job of being in the moment. I know it is a long ways off, but I am already dreaming up what I will do with the pictures at the end of the year. Maybe those who have completed a Project 365 before will have some ideas?!?!

Linking up to Sarah's blog today:)
Catch the Moment 365