Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Girl's Two Year Pics

Seeing as though Abigail just turned two (and by "just" I mean in May...), I thought I should actually take her two year pictures. There is a picture of a baby girl hanging in our living room that is no longer our baby! She's a big girl now! 

I was putting away some summer clothes in Abigail's room to make room for warmer clothes, since fall is apparently around the corner, when she decided that the shorts and tee I had put on her were no longer going to cut it for the day. She started picking out dresses and, fifteen minutes later, finally decided on one of my favorites. I took that as a sign that I should go get the camera!

I love impromptu photo sessions! Bribes weren't even necessary!

I ordered some prints today and I can't wait to see how they turn out. I ordered from Mpix, which I have never done before so we'll just have to wait and see...Don't worry, Papa, I ordered some for you. They will be delivered by the girl this weekend! Anyone care to share thoughts on Mpix?

And then there is this one. After lunch, the kids took their frozen yogurt outside while I cleaned up the kitchen. I kept sneaking glances at them, not that Abigail would ever get into trouble or anything...Anyways, I missed the shot of Charlie having his arm around his little sister. I'm just glad I managed to get one pic of them before they noticed I was there. They truly are wonderful little people. Feeling very blessed:)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

While they were sleeping

 Ooh! I just can't get over how cute these little fairies are! While the kiddos took their last nap of the summer (gasp!), I pieced together some of the blocks for Baby Mac's quilt. I love the combination of the fairies in Alexander Henry's Pocket Pixie line with the tans that I had in my stash. I only hope Jesse and Liz do, too.

 Seven down, nine more to go.

Shh! The kids are still sleeping! Good thing, too. I still need to make a batch of Giada's Mascarpone Chocolate Toffee bars for the teachers' lunch tomorrow. Yes. They are as good as they sound. To the kitchen!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Always Changing

It's been a bit over two years since I left my classroom behind to stay home with the two kiddos. I remember thinking, just after Abigail was born, that I should try to get into some sort of routine around the house. You know, do laundry on this day, vacuum on that day. Ha! What was I thinking? I quickly realized that, at least in our house, our routines and schedules are constantly changing.

 I've enjoyed all the planned and unplanned play dates. I've loved the freedom of last minute phone calls from friends asking to meet them for lunch. Even with Charlie in Pre-K last year, we had the luxury of having a long three day weekend whenever we chose and Ben could take off from work.

I remember nursing Abigail in the park while Charlie played. And now, she sits with him on the tire swing screaming to go higher right along side her brother. I remember wearing her in the Sleepy Wrap as I pitched the ball to Charlie. Now Charlie pitches to her as she holds the bat and tries with all her might to hit just like her brother. Most importantly, our biggest change yet, we are only days away from Charlie starting Kindergarten.

 After packing up his school supplies last night for his supply drop off this afternoon, we grilled some goodness in the form of chicken and portobello mushrooms. We made a salad with cucumbers from Auntie Beth's garden and tomatoes from ours. We ate with the wind blowing in through the windows and for the first time it really hit me. Fall is near and Charlie will spend most of his time in school and not home with me and Abigail.

 Thank goodness there were nine marshmallows left in the cupboard to roast for dessert. This mama needed to squeeze just a few more moments out of summer.

 Abigail prefers to eat hers right off the stick. No roasting required. Charles has obviously mastered the art of roasting and eating marshmallows.

 Even though it was dangerously close to eight o'clock by the time we cleaned up, it was just too beautiful to head inside. We've been putting the kids to bed early all week in hopes that next week's early-to-rise time won't come as too much of a shock. Abigail wanted to swing and Charlie wanted to play catch with Benji.

 How do you say no?

Here's to our days changing once again...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

For my baby girl

When I first decided to try quilting, I knew that I would want to make my children a quilt for their rooms. I hesitated making Abbie's so soon in my learning process. After all, I only just completed a rag quilt (and a very small quilt for Benji and know, to just see if I could actually do a "real" quilt.). I fell in love, however, with the Central Park by Kate Spain fabric and it gave me just the push I needed. The colors fit beautifully with the girl's room and there was a good combination of whimsy and little girl in the prints. I stuck with charm packs to make the process a bit easier this first time around and I am glad I did. The piecing together of the top went quite smoothly.

Picking out the backing didn't go so smoothly, however. I had a terrible time choosing! Finally, Benji voiced his opinion and I just went with the blue dandelion fabric from the Central Park line. It's a nice calm for the bold pieces on the front.

There are a few things I wish I would change, but nothing major. I had originally wanted to do some applique on the bottom and/or back of the quilt, but the desire to have the quilt completed in time for her first night in her big girl bed won that battle. I had fabric ready to use for the applique so I will just save that to make some coordinating pillows for the girl. All the other little things that *bother* me, no one else will probably even notice. And most importantly, I don't think Abbie minds one bit:)